Before we went, we knew that we would miss a few things by not being at home. Several important weddings, Athole's Dad's 70th birthday and the births of 5 (yes 5) new people - now 6 thanks to Suzanne and Dom's recent announcement.
Well the first one has arrived - so huge congratulations to Russell and Nichola who gave birth to Orlynn at the weekend. We're a bit late with our message as, thanks to the complicated internet regulations of the People's Republic of China, Facebook hasn't been that easy to access.
But we are really, really delighted for them and can't wait to meet Orlynn, (who we think has a lovely name) and all the rest (though maybe not at the same time) in 8 months. Till then, we are on the hunt for baby gifts everywhere we go!
By the way - for all parents to be - the baby in the pic here is wearing what many Chinese children sport instead of nappies: split pants, or trousers with a split down the seam of the bum. (I was trying to convince Fi about them before I went). Basically it means that whenever the kid needs to go, it does, by squatting - without damaging any trousers or underwear. They seem to work pretty efficiently with kids old enough to communicate when they need to go, but for younger ones, what the practical implications are for carpets, furnishings and mum and dad's clothes, we haven't yet figured out. We'll update you when we find out - and can send some home for trials if you like!
Hi Kathy & Athole.
Many thanks for your kind message. Sorry I'm just getting back. Everything's just happening so fast and feel like we're running to stand still - can't believe she's a week old already.
Nic and Orlyn were in hospital until Wednesday due to Nic's c-section, and Orlyn not putting on as much weight as is recommended. But both are doing well at home now. Just lots of nappy-changing and not much sleep!
Interesting approach to 'nappies' over there, but think we'll stick to Pampers at this stage!
And the music tape was lovely. Haven't tried my Metallica albums to get Orlyn to sleep yet, but there are a few 'softy' tracks on the recent albums I can try...
Sounds like you're having a great time. Speak soon,
Russ & Nic
Hi Kathy & Athole.
Many thanks for your kind message. Sorry I'm just getting back. Everything's just happening so fast and feel like we're running to stand still - can't believe she's a week old already.
Nic and Orlyn were in hospital until Wednesday due to Nic's c-section, and Orlyn not putting on as much weight as is recommended. But both are doing well at home now. Just lots of nappy-changing and not much sleep!
Interesting approach to 'nappies' over there, but think we'll stick to Pampers at this stage!
And the music tape was lovely. Haven't tried my Metallica albums to get Orlyn to sleep yet, but there are a few 'softy' tracks on the recent albums I can try...
Sounds like you're having a great time. Speak soon,
Russ & Nic
Hi Athole and Kathy,
You can score another one off your list as Iskra Veloska Lynch was born on Tuesday 13 May. Mum and daughter are doing very well - Ljupka has sent you some photos so you can see just how cute she is.
She's waiting for you to come back so you can tell her some exciting bedtime stories of your travels.
Matt, Ljupka and 'Sparky'
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