One of Kathy's mum's colleagues, Mr Kaining, arranged to meet us for a meal in Kunming. Yet another remarkable man. He had been spending the day helping to train nearly 100 teachers the psychology of how to help the 500 orphaned children that had been brought to Kunming in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake. He is such a kind and generous person that he thought nothing of meeting us for a meal even after such a busy and strenuous day.
He talked eloquently and passionately about his work and his hopes for China's future. Unfortunately, it was another evening that was over too quickly.
We don't suffer natural disasters of this scale at home - and thank goodness for that. China observed a 3 day period of reflection for the earthquake victims and survivors. We were lucky to visit the local primary school in Shidong (with Sue) as they were silent for three minutes along with the rest of China. But children are children - and the headteacher made them do a dummy run of silence before it was time for the real event. They were SO quiet and perfect that the head had to stifle her giggles before congratulating them and counting down to the silence proper.
Hi Both
You both look so happy and having a wonderful time ,the beard is growing Athole,watching it with interest!!
Take care
Love you
Mum and Dad
I have begun feeding the beard leeches. It seems to help!
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